
We found 77 records for Cimmarrusti

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Jeff Cimmarrusti

Athens, GA | Irvine, CA

Also known as: armadeon

Jeff Cimmarrusti lives in Athens, GA, but has also spent time in Irvine, CA. He attended the University Of Georgia, Orange Coast College and Kennesaw State University. He has worked for It Tech Support and Help Desk Support Technician.

  • #University Of Georgia

Dana L. Cimmarrusti Age 58

West Covina, CA | Avondale, AZ | Covina, CA

Also known as: dcimm

Dana Cimmarrusti lives in West Covina, California, but has also spent time in Avondale, Arizona; Covina, California; Pasadena, California and Anaheim, California. Companies in which she has a work history include Thyssenkrupp Elevator, Territory Manager, Senior Ae and Neopost. Oldies is one of her favorite bands. She loves watching Fox News. Michael Cimmarrusti, Nancy J Cimmarrusti, Mike Cimmarrusti, Family Cimmarrusti and Lisa D Cimmarrusti are in Dana family.

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