Heidi Golledge had every reason to be skeptical about the world when she lost her father. Truth be told, she never even got a chance to meet her father and has no idea what happened to him. He was a U.S. Marine pilot in the Vietnam War who was taken as a prisoner of war. To this day, no one knows what happened to him. Golledge could have gone through life wondering about the cruel hand fate had dealt her and her family. Instead, she felt a great urge to help people. From a very young age, she dreamed of one day leading a company that would create jobs and help the economy. She dreamed of creating a business that would allow her to help her mother, who had worked so hard to support her. Her entrepreneurial spirit was launched when she started a rabbit farm in her backyard, eventually getting local pet stores to buy her rabbits. Her business instincts only grew from there, and in 2000, she founded CyberCoders. The company is a recruiting ?rm but looks to create relationships between company and employee that endure. In everything Golledge does, she is pursuing happiness. Whether it’s the culture in which her employees work or the partnerships that are formed through the recruiting connections her company makes, Golledge wants people to be happy. As president and CEO, she ?rmly believes that happy employees are productive employees. Golledge makes a special effort to reach out to military families in honor of her father. She always adopts a number of families during the holidays and provides gifts that make their seasons a little brighter. It’s what she is all about. read more ...
  • President
  • Chairman
  • Cybercoders
  • Careerbliss
  • Chief Happiness Officer

Public Records

Arrest Records
