Alfonza Terrn Holt, age 50s, Birmingham, AL View Details
Locations: Birmingham AL, Forestdale AL Possible Relatives: Tacorian D Burch, Odessa C Cain, Alice M Holt
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Alfonza Holt • alfonza.holt
Goes to John Carroll Catholic
Alfonza Holt • alfonza.holt.5
Worked at Century 21 /advantage al
Studied at Miles College
Alfonza Hall • alfonzah
Went to carver school of technology
Lives in Atlanta, Georgia
From Atlanta, Georgia
Alfonza Holt • @Sar7otWa6n
مجموعة شباب نخاف على بلدنا الكويت ونرفض المسيراتالعشوائيه نعشق الكويت ونعشق الامير ولن نسمح بتدمير بلدنا كلنا نقف مع سمو الامير و ولي هده
Alfonzo Holt • @AlfonzoHolt
Alfonzo Holts • @AlfonzoHolts
Holt Alfonzo • @HoltAlfonzo
Alfonza Holt, CENTURY 21 Real Estate Agent in Birmingham, AL •
Alfonza Holt Profiles | Facebook •
Alfonza Holt •
Alfonza Holt •
Alfonza Holt - Greater Alabama MLS •
Alfonza Holt in Birmingham, AL | •
What is Alfonza Holt's Facebook?
We've discovered several social media accounts associated with Alfonza Holt, including @alfonza.holt, @alfonza.holt.5, @alfonzah and others. To explore more of Alfonza Holt's online presence, click here.
What is Alfonza Holt's famous for?
. You can find more here.
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