Alice M Payer, age 78, Burbank, IL View Details
Cities: Burbank IL Possible Relatives: James Payer, James C Payer
Alicia Ann Payer, age 59, Linthicum Heights, MD View Details
Cities: Burbank IL Possible Relatives: James Payer, James C Payer, Elizabeth C Payer
Allie Marie Payer, age 30, Manchester, NH View Details
Cities: Burbank IL Possible Relatives: James Payer, James C Payer, Elizabeth C Payer
Allison Mary Payer, age 44, Hanover, MA View Details
Cities: Burbank IL Possible Relatives: James Payer, James C Payer, Elizabeth C Payer
Alicia A Payer, age 59, Linthicum Heights, MD View Details
Cities: Burbank IL Possible Relatives: James Payer, James C Payer, Elizabeth C Payer
Constance Grimes, age 81, Lady Lake, FL View Details
Cities: Burbank IL Possible Relatives: James Payer, James C Payer, Elizabeth C Payer
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Alice Payer • alicepayer
Alice Ayres was an English nursemaid honoured for her bravery in rescuing the children in her care from a house fire. Ayres was a household assistant and nursemaid to the family of her brother-in-law read more...
Alice Frisca was the professional name of Alice Mayer, an American pianist.
What is Alice Payer's famous for?
Alice Ayres was an English nursemaid honoured for her bravery in rescuing the children in her care from a house fire. Ayres was a household assistant and nursemaid to the family of her brother-in-law and sister, Henry and Mary Ann Chandler. The Chandlers owned an oil and paint shop in Union Street, Southwark, then just south of London, and Ayres lived with the family above the shop. In 1885 fire broke out in the shop, and Ayres rescued three of her nieces from the burning building, before falling from a window and suffering fatal injury.. You can find more here.
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