allen jensen
As an entrepreneur I have NEVER had a job, never been an employee, never punched a time clock. And NO, I was NOT born with a silver spoon. In fact, we lived near poverty level as I was growing up. But, you see, I became an entrepreneur at an early age. I started my first business while in the eleventh grade of high school. That was in the year 1976. I coninued operating that business until I retired in 2008, leaving it to be managed by my son and son-in-law. I have started a number of businesses over the years. Some were marginally successful, some were VERY successful. I have never been afraid of failure. I think that is an important characteristic of a successful entrepreneur. Every failure has provided an important experience that contributed to my successes. I met Carla in July, 1978 and we were married in November, 1978. We've never come off our honeymoon. It has been 3 SUPER DECADES, and still counting. Anyway, I share these things with you so that you know I DO understand what it takes to be successful both in life AND in business. read more ...
  • Marketing
  • President
  • Chairman
  • Owner At Goat Rock Marketing

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