Amolia L Pope, age 30s, Columbus, OH View Details
Locations: Columbus OH, Van Wert OH, Sidney OH Possible Relatives: Catherine Joann Howard, Caleb S Pope, Deborah Lynn Pope
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Amolia Pope • @skinnerORsaint
Amelia Saint, a poet she ain't. But it's really a question of balls. Ashamed of the fame from signing her name to limericks on men's room walls.
Amelia Pope • @AmeliaPope11
Избавьтесь от всего, что следует выбросить из вашей жизни: вы ощутите больше легкости, счастья, а ваш ум ощутит больше покоя. (Робин Шарма)
Amelia Pope • @AmeliaPope123
Amelia Pope • @AmeliaPope13
Больше свободы — это возможность и для лени.
Amelia Pope • @KtQo8
Historian / Author Bullying Ben;How Benjamin Franklin Overcame Bullying Photojournalist / Screenplay Writer Peace Advocate NY/SF #GIANTS #NY
Amelia Pope • @PopeMorrison
Все дороги твои, если ты идешь. И все они ведут в никуда, если стоишь на месте.
Amelia Pope • @_whatsername_3
Amelia Pope • @amelia_pope96
Don't judge me if you don't know me Music is the best way i can express myself!
Amelia Pope • @ameliapope1997
amelializzy/i♡matthew/follow me, i follow back.
Amelia Pope • @ameliapope79
Psychotherapist, Philosophical Muser, Yogi, and loves biking the city
Amelia Pope • @bumpagrad39863
Amelia • @AmeliaPope10
Eminem 12/7/14♡
Phebe Pope • @amelia_phebe
Воображение — синоним способности к открытиям.
Louise Amelia Pope • @Bieber2048
i love justin bieber and union j xx
Louise-Amelia Pope • @louiseamelia12
ACrumpton • @amelia_pope
A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, smile often, dream big, laugh, and realize how blessed you actually are! I'm a wife, mom, & school librarian.
A. Amelia Saint • @ofhisashes
[ RP tweeter ]
Amelia Saint George • @ameliasaintgeor
I sculpt, people, animals and natural forms in clay and then into bronze.
Amelia Saint George • @ameliasculptor
I sculpt in clay and cast into bronze, both portraits and animals. I have completed over 50 protrait commissions, with a range of 25 animals.
Pope Amelia • @PopeAmelia
I am working in software company
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