Carlos Hernandez

Male, 45 years old

(Photo credit: Jill) Who am I? Just one of the Guys behind the camera.. You've probably seen us at conventions. No, not the guys who bring in their $100 point & shoot plastic toys. We take our craft seriously, we spend large amounts of time & money on it. We volunteer and spend the entire convention searching for that one perfect shot. If you catch our eye, we can immortalize you in pixels. Keep an eye out for us. I'm an official staff photographer for Dragon*Con, AWA, Frolicon, TimeGate & AnachroCon. I'm also pretty good in Photoshop, I read a lot & watch TiVo'd programs in between. Since childhood I have been an avid science fiction enthusiast & huge Ghostbusters fan. I am currently involved in a long-term relationship with my beautiful girlfriend jillymcjillerson, who is my favorite supermodel. She is the anchor in my life and I owe all of my successes to her. She is my partner, my best friend and my soul mate. I love her more than I have ever loved anyone or anything. Looking for a Photographer in the Atlanta area? Contact me at LensOfAMadman. Stalk me: Twitter: DISCLAIMER: If you leave vulgar, offensive or creepy comments on my pics about my models I will not hesitate to ban you. I don't care if you feel the need to fav my pics to your growing porn collection, but have the decency to not be creepy about it! No, I will not give out any personal information about my models. Don't ask. read more ...
  • photographer
  • it
  • geek
  • class of 1997
  • computer science
  • William Paterson University Of New Jersey
  • William Paterson Universitycomputer Science
  • Windows System Administrator
  • Windows System Admin
  • Photometric Engineer

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