Hi folks,I am learning to the real meaning of life and i am really glad that I've found it before I die. Love is the key element of life and faith. Today I am content and my regrets have been diminished greatly. Selflessness is the order of the day and folks as I examine my life daily, I find that it is truly better to give than to receive. Today I am engaged in a bevy of activities including flying, kayaking, biking, Thai Chi, yoga, learning and last but not least ....giving.It wasn't always that way though.....I have been through hell and back. I was even in charge of the torture process. My negative thinking and selfish ways led me on a path that had uncertain footing. I slipped and fell many ties. Some of my falls landed me in places that only an act of God could get me out of. I was a fool...Married to depression, I struggled on a daily basis as I trudged through life. It was like my spirit was attached to an anchor hitch in hell.I could hear the angels sing after I read a few lines from "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. I t sounded like; AHHHHH. or me like Tah Dah!!!!Either way I was elated. I had finally found tools to alter my thinking.From my hurt, I decided to help others in any capacity that I could without injuring myself or others. Once the fog had lifted, I was able see the direction that I wanted to pursue for my life. I've read many other books since those days including the most inspirational for me...the Bible, and every day I pray to be of maximum service to my fellow man.,An informational blog designed for the entrepreneur or anyone desiring to become one. There is a wealth of value and free content that we hope will inspire all that visits the site. read more ...
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