I love facilitating Personality Type and Temperament - using the popular True Colors, Personality Dimensions, Myers Briggs methods of Self Discovery. I am honoured to work with teams of all sectors and industries, but one thing doesn't change - that's people In all my years facilitating, I see the same patterns over and over - Four Temperaments in teams and the resulting communication issues, and the effect on the bottom line. Blue temperaments expect everyone to 'just get along'. Green temperament just want to 'get on with things' (alone if possible). Gold temperaments expect everyone to 'do things the right way'. Orange temperaments just want everyone to 'get out of the way'. My temperament workshops are based upon a blend of many different models, but deeply rooted in solid temperament theory. Participants are encouraged to understand what makes each of the personality styles 'tick', and to modify their own behaviour accordingly. My trainings are interactive and insightful, and I do inject a lot of FUN My Specialities Team Building, Customer Service, Career Strategy Certifications and Achievements Co-Creative Coach - Certified (CTA ICF) LifeSkills Coach Certified (YWCA) MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) Certified Facilitator Personality Dimensions - Certified Level II Train the Trainer Interstrength Certified (Includes Social Interaction Styles) DDI Targeted Selection Behavioural Interviewer Certified Human Resources Certificate Program Loyalist College True Colors - Certified Facilitator Follow Your True Colors to the Work You Love Certified Facilitator DiSC - Social Styles Certified Facilitator Striving Styles Personality System Certified FacilitatorCoach read more ...
  • learning
  • training
  • coaching
  • team building
  • leadership development

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