Jason Lewis

Male, 40 years old

jason lewis
http://www.JasonLewis-Onlin...Hi, this is Jason LewisI'm a 31 year old Husband, Father and Internet Marketer, living just north of Boston on the New Hampshire Seacoast in Portsmouth, NH.I make my living working from home full time and, as you can imagine, it's an incredible way to live. But, things weren't ALWAYS this good for me...I struggled tremendously when I first started out online. I had no technical background to speak of (I was a Mortgage Broker) and I had absolutely NO IDEA what I was doing.For the first seven months - I made nothing.Now, it wasn't because I wasn't trying to learn what to do and implement those things - Believe me, I worked my butt off trying to put it all together and make it work. I just couldn't find the proper guidance and instruction that put all of the pieces together and told me WHAT to do and WHY I was doing it.After months of struggling and persevering, I finally built relationships with the right people, started receiving proper guidance and had one of those famous "AHA" moments that allowed me to FINALLY turn my business around and 'crack the code' to making money online.I say crack the code, because that's really what it's all about - learning the PROCESS of making money online. Once you've learned how to do it, you can do it over and over again as much as you like.A better analogy would be to look at making money online as navigating a giant maze. We all start at the beginning and the end is the understanding that allows us to make money online at will.At every turn, there are giant neon signs (products or training programs) telling you to turn this way or that way, claiming to be the way out.There's a price to pay no matter which way you choose (literally and figuratively).Some paths allow us to make a buck or two, but most just lead to a dead end and we're back to where we started - not knowing which direction to turn to get us to where we want to go.So we choose another path...and then another one... and another one.....until we finally get so sick of defeat or we've run out of money and that's it! We just end up quitting...What we really need is for someone to guide us along the way. Someone who's actually been through the maze and knows which way to turn.Someone who can give us a proven road map to follow and help us ignore the temptations of false promises that we'll pass along the way and get us to our final destination - a successful, income generating business that we can run from the comfort of our home.The great thing about this business is that's anyone can do it...The bad thing about this business is that there aren't many willing to honestly show us the way.Because of that glaring need for genuine guidance and leadership, I swore to myself that I would help fill the gap. My entire focus is built toward taking the online newcomer by the hand and giving them a road map for proven success.I vividly remember the pain, frustration and anguish I felt when I started out in this business and it's completely unnecessary for others to go through that too.This business is not the EASIEST business in the world. There's certainly some skills you'll need to pick up along the way.But I promise you this - "Internet Marketing is as easy as you are willing to learn."-- Jason Lewis --That's the absolute truth. If you're willing to learn the simple skills it takes to build your business, the sky is the limit.Imagine being able to never miss your kid's baseball game or dance recital...Being there to help with homework and watch your kids grow right in front of your eyes...Having more quality time to spend with your family...Being able to work on your own terms and not having to be a slave to the corporate society we've grown accustomed to living in...I'm telling you this from the bottom of my heart - It's the GREATEST feeling in the world to be in total control of your life!I thoroughly enjoy what I do and I get even more satisfaction from being able to make a difference in the lives of others.http://www.JasonLewis-Onlin... read more ...

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