Jimmy Gay

Male, 44 years old

jimmy gay
Jimmy Gay, 44 years old, lives in Mandeville, LA. Jobs he has held in the past include Graphic Designer and Web Developer. Tool, Audioslave, The Beatles, Alice In Chains, A Perfect Circle, Tenacious D, Ray Charles, Faith No More, Johnny Cash, Led Zeppelin, Jason Mraz and The Usual Suspects are his favorite bands. He loves watching American Idol, Television, Cheers, Lost, Futurama, Scrubs, Seinfeld, Monk, Numb3rs, Arrested Development, Six Feet Under, Newsradio, Desperate Housewives, Sin City, Mr. Show and The Kids In The Hall. Some of the movies Jimmy loves are Queen, Family Guy, Star Wars, The Lost Boys, Reservoir Dogs, The X-men, Brain Candy, Near Dark, Withnail And I, Hudson Hawk, The Lord Of The Rings, Pulp Fiction and Red Dawn. read more ...
  • american idol
  • television
  • movies
  • photography
  • music
  • art
  • eating
  • tattoos
  • cooking
  • cheers
  • Graphic Designer
  • Web Developer

Public Records

Arrest Records

Possible Social Links
