My personal focus is in developing the palette I created and developed and call "Speed Elements". By mixing paints with catalysts I recreate the push-pull forces that shape and mold all things. Therefore, I create satellite views of the earth and places scattered throughout the universe. As a result, these are abstracts waiting to be called realistic when technology "catches up". What is most important for me to stress to all students is the importance to continually developing writing skills to achieve all goals because every idea should begin and end with writing. A decade ago I began "LITERACY THROUGH THE ARTS" PROJECTS and got the .com for it. ( ). I am most proud to have prepared and implemented a project for two high schools five buildings from the tragic events of 9/11/01. All projects there and elsewhere have always been student based and student driven. Students naturally take charge when they take ownership of their literacy based projects. Such as: learning all aspects to running a gallery and present actual exhibitions, business internships, performances based on the clubs created with and for students. The Latin Club and the Desi Club (students originally from Bangladesh, India, & Pakistan. Every group didn't just get together ONLY to have fun... they had goals and deadlines that gave them focus. All projects are based on the core curriculum and by the needs of each school and so I am proud to say that I also began the school newspaper for The H.S. of Economics and Finance. To emphasize the concept of "future focus" we also planted thousands of perennial flowers in Battery Park. It is my belief that a post-modernist artist relinquishes the role of archeologist dealing with artifacts and takes on the role of sociologist dealing with contemporary issues. Therefore, teaching and engaging students in the endless supply of subjects is as important to me as my own personal development. Specialties LITERACY THROUGH THE ARTS read more ...
  • photography
  • painting
  • video
  • writing
  • New York University
  • San Diego State University-california State University
  • Earthwork Artist
  • Curatoradvisor At Gallery Onetwentyeight

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