COPYWRITER I'm a freelance copywriter who primarily writes web content, ebooks, and ghost blogs for small to medium sized companies. I also love crafting bios for social media, primarily on Linkedin. If you need a professional Linkedin bio that doesn't sound like every other Linkedin bio known to man, then I'd be your gal to write it for you. ) E-BOOK EDITOR Having a downloadable PDF to capture leads or grow an audience is a common internet marketing practice. But what good is that if the e-book is unpolished, unimaginative, and doesn't inspire your newly acquired leads to buy or even listen to you So I edit e-books and consult on the conceptual stage if your downloadable PDF is up to snuff for your intended audience. WEB PROJECT MANAGER I'm also a full time project manager at a web design firm in Gig Harbor, WA. When I'm not moonlighting as a freelance copywriter, I work here, pushing to make sure that every project that passes through my hands runs as smooth and as efficient as possible. Aside from that, I used to be a D animator. I draw a lot of digital illustrations in my free time when I'm not trying to build a small business empire. And I write novels. ) Specialties Web Copywriting Small Business Copywriting Ghost Blogging Linkedin Training Ebook Editor Ghost Writing read more ...
  • animation
  • facebook
  • photoshop
  • editing
  • maya
  • wordpress
  • copywriting
  • twitter
  • The Art Institute Of Califormia - Los Angeles

Public Records

Arrest Records
