Leo M Kea, age 41, Florence, SC View Details
Cities: Florence SC, Charlotte NC, Brooklyn NY Possible Relatives: Claudel Kea, Laverne Kea, Mickey F Kea
Leo Kea, age 74, Currie, NC View Details
Cities: Currie NC Possible Relatives: Lina C Brown, Melinda Kea Fullwood, Lateacha Jenell Kea
Leo T Kea, age 74, Currie, NC View Details
Cities: Currie NC Possible Relatives: Lina C Brown, Melinda Kea Fullwood, Lateacha Jenell Kea
Leo Tarik Kea, age 45, Currie, NC View Details
Cities: Currie NC Possible Relatives: Lina C Brown, Melinda Kea Fullwood, Cameron Tarik Kea
Leo Kea, age 94, Currie, NC View Details
Cities: Currie NC Possible Relatives: Melinda Kea Fullwood, Lessie Newkirk Kea, Mike Kea
Leon Kea, age 67, Warsaw, NC View Details
Cities: Warsaw NC Possible Relatives: Melinda Kea Fullwood, Alice L Kea, Andre L Kea
Leonard M Kea, age 55, Honolulu, HI View Details
Cities: Honolulu HI Possible Relatives: Debralenne M Boots, Laureane J Kahele, Dukethomas M Kea
Leonard T Kea, age 87, Honolulu, HI View Details
Cities: Honolulu HI Possible Relatives: Laureane J Kahele, Dukethomas M Kea, Leonard M Kea
Leo Kea, Stroudsburg, PA View Details
Cities: Stroudsburg PA Possible Relatives: Lana N Kea
Andre L Kea, Warsaw, NC View Details
Cities: Warsaw NC Possible Relatives: Faith Leanne Kea, Leon Kea, Verlea P Kea
Leo M Kea, age 38 View Details
Address:***** W Douglass St, Apt 2, Reading, PA. Phone Number: (917) 753-****
Leo T Kea, age 42 View Details
Address:***** Nc Highway 210, Currie, NC. Phone Number: (910) 231-****
Leo M Kea, age 30s, Charlotte, NC View Details
Locations: Charlotte NC, Reading PA, Brooklyn NY Possible Relatives: Claude L Kea, Mickey F Kea
Leo T Kea, age 70s, Currie, NC View Details
Locations: Currie NC, Atkinson NC Possible Relatives: L Kea, Lateacha J Kea, Lessie Newkirj Kea
Leo T Kea, age 70s View Details
Possible Relatives: L Kea, Debra Michelle Kea, Gwendolyn A Kea
Leo Kea, age 100s View Details
Possible Relatives: L Kea, Gwendolyn A Kea, Lateacha J Kea
Leo Kea, age 100s View Details
Possible Relatives: L Kea, Lateacha J Kea, Lessie Newkirj Kea
Leo V Kea, Kelly, NC View Details
Locations: Kelly NC, Currie NC
Leo J Kea, Kelly, NC View Details
Locations: Kelly NC, Currie NC Possible Relatives: L Kea, Gwendolyn A Kea, Lessie Newkirj Kea
Leo M Kea, age 39, Charlotte, NC View Details
Cities: Charlotte NC, Reading PA, Brooklyn NY Possible Relatives: Claude L Kea, Mickey F Kea
Leo T Kea, age 71, Currie, NC View Details
Cities: Currie NC, Atkinson NC Possible Relatives: L Kea, Lateacha J Kea, Lessie Newkirj Kea
Leo T Kea, age 71 View Details
Possible Relatives: L Kea, Debra Michelle Kea, Gwendolyn A Kea
Possible Relatives: L Kea, Gwendolyn A Kea, Lateacha J Kea
Possible Relatives: L Kea, Lateacha J Kea, Lessie Newkirj Kea
Leo V Kea, Kelly, NC View Details
Cities: Kelly NC, Currie NC
Leo J Kea, Kelly, NC View Details
Cities: Kelly NC, Currie NC Possible Relatives: L Kea, Gwendolyn A Kea, Lessie Newkirj Kea
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Leo • keatingleo87
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Leo Kearns • leokearns
Leo Kearns • lfkjr4570
Leo Kearney • leotzkearney
Leo Keating • leok920
Leo Keating • leokeating
Leo Kearney • leokearney9550
Keara Leong • kearaleong
Brooke Leonard • keat6804
Leona Keale-Krueger • hulahipps
Leo Kanner was an Austrian-American psychiatrist, physician, and social activist best known for his work related to autism. Before working at the Henry Phipps Psychiatric Clinic at the Johns Hopkins Hread more...
Leo Kestenberg was a German-Israeli pianist, music educator and cultural politician. Working for the government in Prussia from 1918, he began a large-scale reform of music education (Kestenberg-Reforread more...
John Leo Kennedy was a Canadian poet and critic, who in the 1920s and 1930s was a member of the Montreal Group of modernist poets. The Canadian Encyclopedia says of him that "Kennedy helped change theread more...
Leo Philip Kadanoff was an American physicist. He was a professor of physics at the University of Chicago and a former President of the American Physical Society (APS). He contributed to the fields ofread more...
Leo Kahn was a German-Israeli painter.
Leo Ketelaars was a Dutch violinist, operatic baritone, opera manager and academic voice teacher. Beginning as a violinist, his voice was discovered by Herbert von Karajan and trained by Suze Luger atread more...
Leo Leandros is a Greek musician, composer and producer. Born in Astakos, Greece, Leandros left in the 1950s for Germany to pursue a career in singing and composing. He had some success, but shifted hread more...
Leo Kenney (1925–2001) was an American abstract painter, described by critics as a leading figure in the second generation of the 'Northwest School' of artists.
Leo Katz is an American lawyer and the Frank Carano Professor of Law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School.
Leo Katcher was an American reporter, screenwriter, and author. As West Coast Correspondent of the New York Post in 1952, he helped to break the story about Nixon’s election expenses, which provokedread more...
What is Leo Kea's address?
Leo Kea's address is ***** W Douglass St, Apt 2, Reading, PA.
What is Leo Kea's age?
Leo Kea's age is 38.
What is Leo Kea's phone number?
Leo Kea's phone number is (917) 753-****.
What is Leo Kea's famous for?
Leo Kanner was an Austrian-American psychiatrist, physician, and social activist best known for his work related to autism. Before working at the Henry Phipps Psychiatric Clinic at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Kanner practiced as a physician in Germany and in South Dakota. In 1943, Kanner published his landmark paper Autistic Disturbances of Affective Contact, describing 11 children who were highly intelligent but displayed "a powerful desire for aloneness" and "an obsessive insistence on persistent sameness." He named their condition "early infantile autism," which is now known as autism spectrum disorder. Kanner was in charge of developing the first child psychiatry clinic in the United States and later served as the Chief of Child Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. He is one of the co-founders of The Children's Guild, a nonprofit organization serving children, families and child-serving organizations throughout Maryland and Washington, D.C., and dedicated to “Transforming how America Cares for and Educates its Children and Youth.” He is widely considered one of the most influential American psychiatrists of the 20th century.. You can find more here.
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