Hello! We are the Carter family. Welcome to our blog. I want to expand my networking to reach as many people about the world of adoption and orphans as possible. My name is Melissa and my husband Duane and I have 9 kids. All of them are adopted except one. Six of them live with us here in the US and we are currently working on obtaining passports for the three in Uganda. I am a home schooling mom.Our kids are ages,16,16,16,15,12,7,6,6,2. WE ARE THE WORLD! We have kids from almost every continent except South America, Australia and Anartica(and we say that one doesn't count).Our kids come from Romania, Bulgaria, USA, China and Uganda. It is definitely not boring around here!I, Melissa, am a watercolor artist and sell my paintings to raise money for adoption and orphan relief.I have other websites you can visit.Feel at home, browse around and stay awhile. read more ...
  • art
  • cooking
  • watercolors
  • adoption
  • catering
  • into the wild
  • invisible children
  • Artist
  • Don't I

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