Sheila Barber

We found 164 records for Sheila Barber

Sheila Barber Age 112

Portland, OR

Also known as: ilovesoftfocus

Sheila Barber lives in Portland, OR.

Sheila Barber

Sanford, NC

Also known as: dugirl232

I am a conservative who cares deeply about our country and am appalled at the audacity of our elected leaders trying to destroy it. I believe in the individual, the Founding Fathers and the Constitution. I believe it?s time to stand up and fight liberalism. And I am sick and tired of Americans who believe in limited government intervention being blamed for the woes of this country. It is time to stand up and bear arms, if necessary. The 2nd Amendment was a brilliant addition. The Founding Fathers knew that one day America would cease to exist as a free country due to a government that is white water rafting its way to a socialist society. Come on America. Wake up and smell the roses while you can.

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