Life long shutterbug thanks in part to my stepmom. Started off on 110's and Polaroids. Cut off a lot of heads in the early days. I think they call that art now! Shot some 35mm for awhile then slowed down a bit due to expenses. Finally went digital with an old Sony DSC-W1 and after it wore out, a Panasonic ZS5. Got fed up with point and shoot limitations and snagged an old Canon 30D. Passed the old Minolta 5000 onto the little brother. Play a little guitar here and there. Messed up my fair share of canvas in the day. I really enjoy watching the sky. Look up now and again, you'll be amazed at what you might see (like a full rainbow in the haze around the sun!). Everyone is so big on videos but I believe still photos are far more powerful. Your forced to obsorb one image at a time and that allows your mind and your imagination to run free and to ponder the possiblities. read more ...

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