Tim Jones


tim jones
Let me introduce myself. I’m Tim Jones. One of only 13,000 people in this world gifted with this unique name (but that was as of 5 minutes ago – by the time you read this, the figure may be substantially higher).  Recently I was privileged to join the ranks of a very exclusive club. The A.A.R.P. invited me to become one of their very first 40 million elite members.  You must be over 50 years young, have a pulse, and go to the bathroom on average at least twice a night to be eligible. Otherwise, you ain’t getting in – no way no how.  So how could I turn them down! I am a white male, Anglo Saxon Protestant, and as such, I am a member of absolutely NO oppressed minority group - unless you consider men who suffer in quiet desperation from male pattern baldness to be an oppressed minority. I decided to write a humor blog entitled View from the Bleachers because I felt there was a glaring need for another voice to articulate the inner turmoil lurking just below the surface of the thousands of middle-aged minivan-driving soccer dads who quietly ask themselves since when did cell phones become a way to communicate like automobile license plates (”C-U-L-8-R”??) and men who can’t understand how two cookies could possibly represent “a serving size.”  Someone needed to be a voice for other men who are not ashamed to admit they actually still like the BeeGees (not that I would know about this personally, mind you).  Someone needs to speak up for them.  I thought, why not me? read more ...
  • The Ohio State University
  • University Of Virginia
  • Write A Humor Column
  • View From The Bleachers

Public Records

Arrest Records

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