1 Match for Kenyon Salo from Blue River, Colorado, USA

Kenyon M. Salo Age 47

Breckenridge, CO | Blue River, CO | Boulder, CO

Also known as: kenyonsalo

Kenyon Salo absolutely embodies the true meaning behind…”Follow Your Passion.” Two years back he decided to leave a fast track corporate job in order to follow his dreams, bliss and passion. He recently cleansed his plate, by selling his businesses of 11 years and focusing only on items that were 100% in alignment with who he is. After a series of self directed, thought provoking months…Kenyon wrote down his A for Astronaut to Z for Zoologist List. A list to determine who he was and who was he is supposed to become. His journey was to write all the adventures that he loved to experience and strengths that who made him who he really desired to be. This required thinking about the journey from childhood to current events.Kenyon realized it was very clear that Kenyon would be two things…A Life Change Agent and a Trainer, but one that would include adventure, fear based activities and looking deep into the minds of his clients. This introspection into fear and adventure would then assist, in discovering, what each individual, group and/or company feared most and thus what was holding them back from their greatest life and success.His 2000+ skydives, 250+ BASE Jumps and his ultimate thirst for adventure, has led him to the position of, Chief Adventure Officer for the IAT Training Concepts Group. Through this training group he has been helping 1000s of people find their true inner dreams by confronting their fears and tearing them down. He holds a belief that if he will confront the worst possible scenario then anything is possible. His deepest desire is to share these proven concepts with others.In 2002 a very dangerous BASE jumping incident enabled a world of adventure metaphors to develop. His “Adventure Metaphors”, as a training tool, have proven successful in many different training mediums and desired outcomes. Also BASE incident showed him that death is possible but, “without the realization that death is possible…then he knew there was no real life to live”.He believes that, “Life is an adventure…do not die without one!” This double meaning phrase runs deep within his soul and drives him to embrace each and every day that is presented.With almost two decades of his own self development training he has learned to master his mental states when faced with fears on all levels. His journey has included facing fears from death, participating in extreme sports, fears of family dynamics, his own self/personal destruction, drowning in overwhelming debt, the fear of success, uncertainty and many others. He knows that once these fears were mastered, it was then possible to harness those fears for power and energy to accomplish anything. He knows now that the trick is to harness that fear as energy instead of letting it paralyze and debilitate him from his ultimate success story and true life adventure….serving others.,Do what most fear, love in a way that most cannot fathom!,

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