1 Match for Jeff Allen from Bronson, Florida, USA

Jeff Allen Age 38

Gainesville, FL | Port Richey, FL | Bronson, FL

Also known as: jta1980

Let's see...I am a 26-year-old guy who tries to live his life to its fullest. I am officially halfway finished with law school at UF, and I just got married to an amazing woman, Jamie Rose! I love to travel, and I tend to overanalyze everything. I think I am easy going, very loyal, and have a great sense of humor. I embrace tolerance for the most part (EXCEPTIONS: people who bring screaming kids to a movie that they won't comprehend anyway, people who don't turn their cell phones off during a movie, drivers who spend more time talking on their cell phone than they do paying attention to the road, people who flick their disgusting cigarettes anywhere they feel like it thus slowly destroying the environment, and people who try to push their religious beliefs onto others). That'll do it for now.

  • #University Of Florida
  • ...

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