2 Matches for Melissa Ward from Wellsboro, Pennsylvania, USA

Melissa A. Ward Age 34

Ballston Lake, NY | Ballston Spa, NY | Albany, NY

Also known as: melissa86339

Does the thought of using Social Media to expand your Internet reach make your eyes glaze over Worse, does it bring visions of fear worry anxiety Relax - help is here. I help businesses navigate their way through the maze of internet marketing, from effective web site design, search engine optimization and local seo, to effectively leveraging the Social Media networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and more. I have been referred to as a Subject Matter Expert in the area of Social Media. I can often be found in the front of the room, on a stage or sitting one on one with someone talking about Social Media Strategies and effective Social Marketing Implementation. I love talking about Social Media Marketing my presentations are enthusiastic and informative loaded with successful philosophies and facts (and fun). I see Social Media Marketing as a melding of the art and science of Marketing. I enjoy working in the Social Media space as it helps businesses get their personality out on the web and it is measurable. You can embark upon a Social Media campaign and know whether or not it's working or if you need to change gears. I blog about Social Media and other Internet Marketing methods quite often and in a few different places including www.newward.com. If you are looking for help to navigate the wild world wide web, feel free to connect with me. My background is in web design, marketing and can customize Wordpress blogs, help set up hosting and ecommerce sites, among other things. Oh - and if you are a landlord - take a look at Renttropolis.com - www.renttropolis.com our online Property management software. It will save you a ton of time and money. Specialties Social Media Marketing, Web Site Design, Internet Marketing, Social Media Training, SEO, PPC Campaign Creation, Graphic Design, Web Customer Service Analyst, Web site ROI analyst.

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Melissa R. Ward

Wellsboro, PA

Melissa Ward lives in Wellsboro, Pennsylvania.

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