1 Match for Brad Venable from Fort Worth, Texas, USA

Brad Venable Age 42

Tulsa, OK | Dallas, TX | Collinsville, OK

Also known as: bradvenable

Brad Venable takes versatility to a level that can only be described as the 'everyman of now.' He was once described as "holding down the XY...both generations...and chromosomes." Brad smiled at the appropriately geeky compliment. Whether warm, fun, hip, fresh, friendly, wholesome, organic, real, dry, wry, happy, or just plain energetic, Brad's years of training have locked in the popular 'nowness' that you hear on radio and television from New York to Los Angeles. His voice can carry to the back of the opera house...or it can seethe with delicious evil that sizzles out of his teeth. Superheroes that save the day, demonic hellbeasts that utter like the crack of doom, and everything else in between...Brad has created characters that run the gamut of video games that kids play. He also matches some of the best-known cartoon characters from television. Computer tech, comic book collector, pop culture nerd, and avid gamer, Brad covers about every counter-culture clich known to man, and can still sound like the coolest hipster to ever wear clothes ironically. Now that's irony for you. Because of all these underground skills, he shares a kinship with the people buying stuff now...why wouldn't you want someone whose finger is on the pulse of 'the now'

  • #University Of Tulsa
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