4 People Associated with "danburton"

Dan Burton

Indianapolis, IN

Also known as: danburton

Dan Burton is serving his thirteenth term as US Representative. First elected in 1982, Dan has been one of Indiana's most popular Congressmen, winning over 70% of the vote five out of the last six general elections. Perhaps this is partially because Dan's very personal story of overcoming abuse. It has inspired many in Indiana. He first spoke publicly about his troubled childhood, a little more than a decade ago, from the US House floor. Congressman Burton startled many in the House with a very personal address to Congress encouraging the creation of the National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The Family Violence Prevention Fund still features Dan's story on their website. In this speech, Dan told of the abuse he and his family overcame, the problems it created and how he finally found the strength to confront his abusive father. He graduated from Shortridge High School in 1957, and attended Indiana University and the Cincinnati Bible Seminary. As a proud veteran of our Armed Forces, Dan served in the U.S. Army and the U.S. Army Reserves (1957-1962). Before his election to Congress, Mr. Burton held office in the Indiana State Senate (1969-70 and 1981-82), as well as in the Indiana House of Representatives (1967-68 and 1977-80). Congressman Burton assumed the Chairmanship of the House Committee on Oversight & Gov't Reform in the 105th Congress. By doing so he became the first Hoosier Republican to Chair a full House Committee in more than sixty years. Congressman Burton currently serves as ranking member of the House International Relations Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere. Also, he is a Senior Member on the Government Oversight and Reform Committee. In Congress, Dan Burton is known as a "pit bull," advocating for smaller government, lower taxes, and pro-family policies. Because of this hard work, Dan is a twelve-time winner of the Golden Bulldog Award for voting to cut wasteful government spending. Americans for Tax Reform, a low tax organization, has awarded Burton twelve Hero of the Taxpayer Awards. Dan has also taken up the cause of the families of autistic children, inspired by the plight of his grandson who is autistic. In 2005, the National Foundation for Women Legislators (NFWL) awarded Burton the Leadership Award for his tireless work on health care issues. The Burton family resides in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Dan Burton

Wichita, KS

Also known as: danburton

Dan Burton lives in Wichita, KS.

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