4 People Associated with "davidawest"

David West

Calgary, AB

Also known as: davidawest

David West lives. When David speaks his dry humour and ability to communicate new ideas are refreshing. David speaks from the heart and does not just regurgitate what you can easily read online. David started as a freelance web programmer in 1996 and continued to freelance until opening eKzact Solutions. eKzact is now 6+ years old and continues to grow under the leadership of both Helen and David. David has consulted with many growing businesses and has been the invited guest speaker at many events. David blogs at http://www.davidawest.com. Specialties Internet Consulting, including; - search engine optimization - social media consulting and training - website conversion planning and objectives - website specifications - online marketing - social media training & strategies - social media community management

David A. West

Calgary, AB

Also known as: davidawest

David West lives. When David speaks his dry humour and ability to communicate new ideas are refreshing. David speaks from the heart and does not just regurgitate what you can easily read online. David started as a freelance web programmer in and continued to freelance until opening eKzact Solutions. eKzact is now years old and continues to grow under the leadership of both Helen and David. David has consulted with many growing businesses and has been the invited guest speaker at many events. David blogs at httpwww.davidawest.com. David counts amongst his corporate clients Science Alberta, Alberta Rural Development, GE Capital, The National Bank, Think Local Market, and the Professional Home Builders Institute of Alberta. Specialties Internet Consulting, including - search engine optimization - social media consulting and training - website conversion planning and objectives - website specifications - online marketing - social media training strategies - social media community management

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