Yi Wang

Female, 35 years old

yi wang
Web. Data. - years hands-on experience on web, data analytics and visualization - Language JavaScript, Clojure, Scala, Java, R, Python, MATLAB, Go, Haskell - Backend MongoDB, InfluxDB, Redis, PostgresSQL, CouchDB, MySQL, elasticsearch, Hadoop - Web Stack Node.js, SocketStream, Express.js, Socket.IO - Frontend D.js, AngularJS, SlickGrid, Backbone.js, Bootstrap.js, jQuery, LESS, Jade - Test and Integration Mocha, Jasmine, PhantomJS, Karma, Jenkins - Editor and Version Control Vim, Emacs, git read more ...
  • google
  • tools
  • web
  • jade
  • mysql
  • mongodb
  • trends and galaxies of ideas
  • Columbia University
  • University Of Washington
  • Peking University
  • Sichuan University
  • Microsoft
  • Intermolecular
  • Research Intern At Microsoft

Public Records

Arrest Records
