1 Person Associated with "368athletics"

Shannon Wallace Age 48

Frederick, MD

Also known as: 368Athletics

Shannon Wallace lives are constantly changing and so should our training regimens. We implement program design for different periods of time and in most cases no training session is ever the same. There are a variety of different tools used for clients to achieve their goals. The most important is overall bodyweight training. People use their bodies everyday for work and play. If they are not able to move their bodies efficiently, how can they move external weights effectively? Most likely that would not happen and asymmetries are created with their biomechanics that can cause pain, stiffness, and other chronic conditions.Functional conditioning is a big part of a successful training program. Everyone wants to move better and feel better. So, 368's emphasis is on the body moving through all planes of motion; the way our bodies were designed to move. 368 uses various tools to achieve optimal conditioning such as kettlebells, battling ropes, sandbags, Indian clubs, bands, free weights, bodyweight equipment, stability balls, medicine balls, bosu, multiplanar apparatus, sleds, tires, etc. By using these tools and partnering with some of the best trainers and strength coaches, 368 knows these tools are not an end all be all solution. The 368 trainers and strength coaches believe it is about the client's will and desire to be their best and not solely about the different tools utilized. The tools are just catalysts to get the client to their optimal goals in fitness and overall wellbeing.Kettlebells - a cast iron or steel weight looking somewhat like a cannonball with a handle for gripping during exercise.At 368, the staff believes in working with other practitioners to help their clients with complete fitness and wellness. Under the 8 Essentials of Conditioning, the Recovery piece encompasses physicians, Registered Dietitians, nutritionists, chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapist, acupuncturist, and other practitioners. At some point in a client's life s/he may need all or some of these practitioners to help achieve current goals. It is prudent for client's to obtain the best service possible from the appropriate professional.Join 368 Athletics, in collaboration with Goal Fitness Center, to receive empowering services and products to help you achieve and maintain an optimal fitness lifestyle. Stay fit -- be strong.,Strength, Conditioning, Athleticism, and Overall Wellness

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