Also known as: cals5839
I started playing poker with my parents and their friends when I was eight, and have been an enthusiastic player ever since. Then in the 1980's I studied card counting and blackjack strategy and became very good. But the better I became the more money I left in Reno and Vegas during my frequent visits. What was I doing wrong? It must be money management!So I studied everything I could findon that subject. Nothing worked. I could win all the small bets. But the big ones always went to the house.The same thing happened with Horse Racing. For a few years, I lived within a few blocks of the Hastings Race Track in Vancouver and took to studying the horses. Like blackjack, the more I learned about handicapping the more I lost. I finally came to the conclusiong that no matter how favorable the odds of winning, luck always has the trump card!Speaking of trump cards, I think it was Donald Trump who said "In order to win you have to own the joint". So now you have it right from the horse's mouth: "If you can't beat 'em, join them!"