1 Person Associated with "danielholeman"

Daniel B. Holeman Age 66

San Rafael, CA

Also known as: dbh

Daniel Brian HolemanBorn 8:41 PM Oct. 9, 1952, San Jose, CaliforniaArtistic talent combined with life-long exploration of consciousness and spirituality has given Daniel B. Holeman an ability to depict uplifting and profound sacred imagery. His inspirational paintings have a strong and profound impact. Many are deeply touched emotionally - sometimes brought to tears - and describe his paintings as the most beautiful images they have ever seen.Daniel invites the viewer to dive into a deeper dimension of consciousness while viewing his paintings. The imagery stirs forgotten awareness of a place felt to be HOME - a warm, familiar and heartfelt state of mind - a welcome contrast to the often stressful day-to-day world we live in.His Website, http://www.AwakenVisions.com, is a special world to explore and enjoy - a Domain of Beauty, Inspiration, Insight and Spiritual Awakening. In addition to the artwork, Awaken Visions is a haven for truth seekers, consciousness explorers and all who appreciate the beauty found in living from the Heart.At a young age Daniel had a profound spiritual awakening and experienced the nature of pure consciousness from which the manifested world is created. Since then his life has been about deepening that awareness and sharing it with others through art, lifestyle and conversation. (with a few detours along the way).Daniel offers Visions of Beauty, Truth and Inspiration and encourages all to join in the Earth's Awakening. He is committed to bringing forth an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, socially just human presence on the planet as the guiding principle of our time.

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