Also known as: exoskel13
In my work I try to create a space for the ethereal a rupture of embroidered diamonds in a painting of a night sky for example. One piece that I have been continuously working on contains thousands of found plastic bags and other debris. I was inspired to create my own giant Pacific garbage patch, mimicking the way plastic changes when exposed to the sun and ocean elements. All at once this piece is disturbing, yet beautiful in its color and its flowing form. It creates a paradox for the viewer to feel this way about such a useless accumulation, so instead of having it float below eye level, I install it on the wall and ceiling. The viewer then sees this thing as larger than ourselves.It is difficult to create something new when there is already so much in the world, but we can rearrange it to view in different perspectives. We can pay attention to what it is that we discard by building it into a secondary form. These things will outlive us, and may even last forever.