2 People Associated with "jeremybeasley"

Jeremy Beasley Age 35

Seattle, WA

Also known as: jeremybeasley

Im a technology and design professional approaching the second act of my career, where I look to explore opportunities that will deepen my experience in design strategy and product development. Mirroring my academic journey that spanned engineering and business, Ive spent the past years of my professional career gaining technical, strategy and design experiences in multiple environments #x product management and development in large tech corporation (Microsoft, Google, Apple), #x product development in an early stage startup focused on the architecture industry, #x and mostly recently, design strategy and research at a boutique agency. Through the first segment of my career, I have validated assumptions about my ideal work environment and discovered a few superpowers #x I enjoy working at the intersection of design, strategy and technology #x I excel at collaborating with interdisciplinary teams that include designers, engineers and researchers #x I appreciate the process of making as much as the end result #x I think best by making breaking prototyping things #x I love collaborating through production versus simply handing off work to others #x and I prefer entrepreneurial environments where tinkering and risk-tasking is encouraged. For my second act, Im exploring opportunities that will deepen my expertise at these intersections. Im looking for roles that will draw on this diversity of experience and require connecting the dots, people andor teams across strategy, design and technology. If any of this strikes a chord, drop me a line at . Id love to continue the conversation.

  • #Rice University
  • ...

Jeremy Beasley Age 26

Lyons, GA

Also known as: jeremybeasley

Jeremy Beasley lives in Lyons, GA.

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