1 Person Associated with "karenjpierce"

Karen B. Pierce Age 64

Norwalk, CT | White Plains, NY | Newtown, CT

Also known as: behan

Karen is familiar with the needs of busy families and thriving businesses because she has both.  As the mother of 2 teenagers, a registered yoga teacher, author, and professional organizer, Karen knows what chaos looks like.  She combined her passion for the calm that yoga brings with the peace that an organized environment invites into one unique business – InnerSpaces by Karen.  Organizing has always been a part of Karen's life so she became a NAPO professional organizer.   She grew up in an organized household where she learned that everything has a place and everything in its place.  Organization is a learned skill and she is passionate about putting proven strategies into action to help others get organized and stay organized. A life-long student of yoga, Karen has been blessed to have learned from many world renowned yogi masters.  She has been teaching in the fitness industry since 1990 and holds many certifications including her 200RYT through Yoga Alliance and is a certified Yoga Ed instructor.  She is dedicated to bringing the practice of therapeutic yoga to all populations in a safe format that is rooted in exercise science. Her style is based on being safe and includes many modifications and adaptations. You will learn when to push, when to surrender and when to rest. Her approach focuses on falling in love with yoga and her students love her challenging, ever-changing classes and her upbeat, relaxing style. Karen is also the author of Yoga Bear: Yoga for Youngsters - a children's book published by Northword Press (2004) and Co-Contributor to Yoga in America (2009).

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