Also known as: motoma
Chris Gilbert lives in Orono, ME. He went to school at the Hebron Academy and University Of Maine. Companies in which he has a work history include Asap Media Services and Dba. Jobs he has held in the past include Software Engineer, Programmer and System Administrator.
Also known as: motoma
Configuration Manager, Systems Architect, Application Developer, Linux Administrator, Database Administrator. Specialties Java, Python, PHP, MySQL, SQL Server Knowledgable C, C#, Sybase SQL Anywhere, Oracle, OpenGL, DirectX, Sockets, XNA, Multithreading, Multiprocessing, Embedded Devices OS Development Expereince Windows, Linux, OS X, BSD, Solaris, AIX. Infrastructure Experience Amazon AWS, VMware ESX server, VMware Infrastructure Foundation, VirtualBox. Other Highly Available Systems, Load Testing, Hardware and Software RAID configurations, ZFS, NFS, CIFS, and AFP shares. Author of the leading application-layer denial of service attack method against Apache, the world's most popular web server.