Also known as: ninacarr
I'm a mom to 5 beautiful children (all under the age of 7) and wife to one hot hubby! I've always been a runner and worked out consistently throughout all my pregnancies. Prior to becoming a Beachbody Coach I had done P90X and loved my results. I then got pregnant with baby #5 (Giuliana) and afterwards it was much more difficult to get back to pre-pregnancy weight. That's when I got Insanity! Well, let me tell ya-Never, EVER had I not only gotten below my pre-pregnancy weight; I now have a smaller waistline and tight abs! I inspired many of my friends & family by getting back into shape and thought, "Heck why not become a Beachbody Coach and REALLY do this." I mean, really help and transform other men and women who are just like me trying to get fit & healthy. So, here I am! I may be new to Beachbody Coaching, but I am a product of the product. I will listen to your needs, provide support and motivate you. I do it with integrity. I'm humbled by those I have inspired to get off their butts and make a lifestyle change.This is not a hobby for me, this is my PASSION.