1 Person Associated with "robrow01"

Richard Brown

Louisville, KY

Also known as: robrow01

In the early stages of a PeopleSoft implementation at the University of Louisville, I diligently labored to create positive relationships with customers. I created and delivered a nine-session training program to over one-hundred users, that has yet to be topped in both scope and positive feedback. Because of that diligence and other creative accomplishments, I was nominated by satisfied customers, and recognized with an Outstanding Service Award in . Ive been trained to use, and have used those tools, such as PeopleSoft HRPayroll, and Crystal Reports to create metrics reports, with many of them automated to save time and improve accuracy. While at the University of Louisville, I have established a network of relationships and business partners. I have personally lead high profile projects that, even today, add value to our customers. Currently, in my role in the Department of Surgery, my labors advance the strategic plan of our department by working with Human Resources and the School of Medicine Faculty Affairs Office on all faculty personnel actions, special projects, and supervising Tier One level technical support. While in graduate school, I served as a shop steward for Teamster members while employed at United Parcel Service. In this role, I represented as many as twelve-hundred union members on a daily basis. This required the best relationship skills, presentation and persuasive skills, and the ability to communicate and direct other volunteer members and stewards. This was a wonderful experience, especially since I was only in my early twenties at the time. I currently serve on the Johnson Traditional Middle School School Based Decision Making Council and plan to focus on urban district public education during my PhD in Urban and Public Affairs studies.

  • #University Of Louisville

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