Chicago, IL | Orange, CA | San Jose, CA
Also known as: thewebshaman
Getting people to your Web pages and keeping them there long enough to share your messages or calls to action is what good Web design is all about. I am passionate about helping people, businesses and organizations understand and use the awesome power of the Web. My diverse experiences and successes with Web design, SEO, marketing, branding, development, production, operations, technical support and management, combined with a persistent thirst for knowledge and a dedication to providing the best possible customer service make me a great choice for your team. As Senior Designer at, I provide any kind of design this growing startup needs, from UX (wireframes, workflows, product development) to UI and Drupal theming (HTMLCSSPHP) to HTML email to printed conference brochures, and everything in between. I have talents, balanced by humility, across the pivot point of flexibility. I am living the Design Life. As Lead Web Designer for Stanford School of Medicine, I created an inventive technical architecture that enabled coherence and central administration for academic and clinical sites, while enabling individual brand expression, and resulting in first page rank in Google for "medical school," and # rank for "school of medicine." And my online design life is informed and supported by years of experience in newspapers, as an infographic artist, journalist and art director. Specialties Web ., strategy, creative leadership, design direction, web design, art direction, infographics (information graphics), technical support, skills training, html, css, flash, front-end development, content generation, content quality, taxonomy, multimedia, writing, editing an organized, detail-oriented, big-picture guy