Thomas Murphy

Whitefish Bay, WI

Also known as: tPm37MPY

Thomas Murphy lives up to what it is proclaimed to be and should be. There is much to learn from the bible even for the sardonic or the cynic, this is my site on Religion ( religiousblog ) I have also approached the subject of religion from a different perspective with my They Know Not What They Do Website ( theyknownotwhattheydo ) On politics, I believe that Republicans and their fascination with bureaucracy have subverted our strength as a nation, curtailed our progress and competitive position and put the interests of small business, special interest groups and religious zealots ahead of those of our health, environment, respectful education and lessoned our rights as individuals all because they say they know better. This is a link to my website on Politics and what I feel we should be doing as a country. (Link: politics-thomasmurphy) Along with Politics and Religion I have pornography website. Is it what you think, seedy, debauchery, exposition, filth, carnal, venal, eroticism? I dare you to try the link: Pornography I keep very busy and tend to write where my spirit leads me so some of my websites are updated quicker than others. Check thomasmurphyindex for new websites. My latest website is titled: Psychology and Profiles, it deals with principals of psychology. I had many credits in psychology in college and learned much throughout life with these credits as a basis of understanding for experience. Here is a link to the site: Favorite Things and Entertainment: I do not watch Television anymore but I used to like to watch Sci-Fi Channel on Friday nights, Kung Foo and action type movies. TV I like, (The hunting channel, I find the characters and actors on old movies on TCM refreshing, Movies that are new releases to TV, Cultural or informative type programs, such as one might find on the PBS type channels, DIY network, Cooking Channels, ETC. My favorite color is most shades of green. My favorite stores are Wal-Mart, Menards and more recently but to a lesser extent so far Lowes. My Background: I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee with a double major in Accounting and Finance. I took the CPA exam once and passed. I coauthored equity research reports at Blunt Ellis and Lowe, Kemper Securities in Milwaukee and First Analysis Corporation which was located on the 96th floor of the then Sears Tower in Chicago. The topics of reports included specialty chemical companies, capital goods companies and companies relevant to the environment. You might be interested in viewing the titles of books from my personal investment library at My Investing Library I don’t know if I will get around to writing an investment book but I might start a website detailing investments I own or have owned and my rational regarding them plus what I feel the important characteristics are that make a good investment . I also worked in the accounting department of Briggs and Stratton. Most of the websites I have authored have little stores attached to them as links where you can get an idea of the types of materials I use, products, tools, etc. God Bless Those Who Think Thomas Paul Murphy Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy Thomas Murphy Welcome to my Blogs. My name is Thomas Murphy and I love the forest and wildlife areas of Wisconsin and would like to share my thoughts and the pictures I have taken of the natural areas of Wisconsin. Come share in my collection of what I feel to some of the finest scenes and images of the forests, lakes, rivers and marshes that Wisconsin has to offer. I like to go to pristine and secluded areas where nature resides quietly and I feel the resulting “lost” images are profoundly unique. I am usually “in the moment” when I take these pictures. When I say in the moment I mean a sense of excitement often precedes what my eye captures through the camera. I never stage these shots but seem to be in the right place and time when I shoot them. And when I transfer them from my camera and view them on my computer screen I realize a sense of surrealism that resonates with me yet again to the time they were taken and exemplify the beauty of nature. Please peruse my sites and experience the beauty of being there as I did. WWW.ThomasMurphy.lifepics.comView my complete profile

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